LehMo-Glow Pigments
Our LehMo-Glow series of pigments continue to glow for a few seconds after the light source is switched off, with each pigment having a unique afterglow decay time. This characteristic is hard to replicate, adding an extra layer of security when used in security inks. The images below demonstrate the afterglow from our samples when illuminated by different UV wavelengths (UV A, UV B, and UV C).

excited by visible light
Most materials exhibit afterglow only under UV light, limiting their use due to UV's safety concerns. Additionally, their performance typically degrades at higher temperatures. However, LehMo-Glow overcomes these limitations, as its afterglow can be excited by visible light (including white light) and remains visible to the naked eye even at higher temperatures, up to 60°C.
Our LehMo-glow products exhibit fast afterglow decay time enabling quick response and identification process.

Unique security features
Our unique pigments protect your products from counterfeiting —bringing security and innovation together
Emits light of different colors for UV A and UV C illumination
Emits different color of afterglow after UV light is switched off
The afterglow light has a unique decay time constant
that third parties can't copy